1. REVIVE SERUM (contains Retinaldehyde) for similar effect replace with AZELAIC SERUM;
2. RADICAL SKIN REFORM SERUM (Retinyl Palmitate);
3. AGE-PROOF FACE CREAM (Retinyl Palmitate).
4. FLAWLESS SERUM (can be used with doctor's consent).
There are a number of skin care products that are not suitable for use during pregnancy as they may be harmful to the health of the mother or the unborn child.
Retinoid products: these are derived from vitamin A and are used in the treatment of acne and wrinkles. They can be harmful to the foetus as they can affect its development.
- Salicylic acid products: these are used to treat acne and blackheads, but can be harmful to the foetus as they can affect its development. Products containing Salicylic Acid with a concentration below 2% are allowed in pregnancy/pregnancy.
- Products with glycolic acid and other exfoliating acids: these can irritate the skin and can be harmful to the foetus as they can affect its development. Products containing Glycolic Acid with a concentration below 7% are allowed in pregnancy/pregnancy.
Products with alcohol: these can dry the skin and irritate, so it is better to avoid using them during pregnancy
- Vitamin C products: this vitamin can be useful for the complexion, but during pregnancy it is best to avoid using it in high concentrations as it can be irritating.
It is important to consult your doctor or dermatologist before using any new products or making changes to your routine. skin care during pregnancy.